This course helps you develop the skills that are necessary to implement various application requirements on IBM MQ versions up to and including IBM MQ V9.0.2. It focuses on procedural application development for IBM MQ.
The course begins by describing IBM MQ and the effect of design and development choices in the IBM MQ environment. It then covers IBM MQ application programming topics such as methods of putting and getting messages, identifying code that creates queue manager affinities, working with transactions, and uses of the publish/subscribe messaging style.
Finally, the course describes the IBM MQ Light interface, introduces Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), and explains how to set up an AMQP channel and how to interface with IBM MQ Light.
Hands-on exercises throughout the course reinforce the lecture material and give you experience with IBM MQ Clients.
This course is designed for application developers and architects who are responsible for the development and design of IBM MQ applications.
- Successful completion of Technical Introduction to IBM MQ (WM103G), or comparable experience with IBM MQ
- Experience in business application design
- Experience in C language developmentsystem to run the lab exercises
Vortrag, Praktikum am System, Übungsanteil ca. 45%
Hinweis zum Kurs
Kurssprache ist deutsch. Die original IBM Lehrgangsunterlage und die Übungsumgebung sind in Englisch.
Key Topics
- Course introduction
- IBM MQ overview
- Exercise: Working with IBM MQ to find your message
- Basic design and development concepts
- Exercise: Getting started with IBM MQ development
- MQOPEN, queue name resolution, and MQPUT
- Exercise: Working with MQOPEN and queue name resolution, MQPUT, and MQMD fields
- Getting messages and retrieval considerations
- Exercise: Correlating requests to replies
- Data conversion
- Bind and Message groups
- Committing and backing out units of work
- Exercise: Commit and back out review
- Asynchronous messaging
- Exercise: Asynchronous messaging review
- IBM MQ clients
- Exercise: Working with an IBM MQ client
- Introduction to publish/subscribe
- Exercise: Working with publish/subscribe basics
- Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and IBM MQ Light
- Exercise: Connecting IBM MQ Light applications to IBM MQ applications
- Course summary
Dr. Christian Borchart
Obtec Software GmbHHinweis vom Trainer
Basteln und Selbststudium für den Zugriff auf MQ mit den MQ-Client Optionen der IBM ist vielleicht ok, aber hier lernen Sie im Kurs, wie sich die IBM einen sauberen Zugriff aus den Anwendungen heraus vorstellt.
Bei Fragen einfach melden. Ich freue mich auf Ihren Kursbesuch!
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